






六上 [0.00K]

【编号xyy133】外研三起小学英语六上ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy134】外研三起小学英语六上word教案 [0.00K]

2014外研3起6上flash动画视频 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六上真卷 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六英上电子教材 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六英上教案 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六英上课件 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)六英上课文朗读 [0.00K]

2017秋五英上(wy 三起)–2. 教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)六英上教学课件 [0.00K]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)六年级上册试题(14份) [0.00K]

六下 [0.00K]

【编号xyy135】外研三起小学英语六下ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy136】外研三起小学英语六下word教案 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下 课文朗读 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–电子教材 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–教案 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–教师小帮手 [0.00K]

班主任工作 [0.00K]

家校联系本 [0.00K]

教师常用表格 [0.00K]

教师用语 [0.00K]

小学黑板报 [0.00K]

学生评语 [0.00K]

英语教学工作总结 [0.00K]

英语教学论文 [0.00K]

主题班会 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–课件 [0.00K]

外研版(三起)六下英语:m1u2 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–真卷1 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–真卷2 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–资源包 [0.00K]

趣味课堂 [0.00K]

趣味素材 [0.00K]

儿童英文歌谣 [0.00K]

视频素材 [0.00K]

小学生英文笑话 [0.00K]

音频 [0.00K]

01 it’s a small world [0.00K]

02 new year’s resolution [0.00K]

英文歌曲 [0.00K]

are you sleeping [0.00K]

bingo [0.00K]

do you want to build a snow man [0.00K]

five big dump truck [0.00K]

i am a little teapot [0.00K]

i love little pussy [0.00K]

london bridge [0.00K]

my little donkey [0.00K]

walking walking [0.00K]

where do all the daisies go [0.00K]

英文诗歌素材 [0.00K]

趣味语法 [0.00K]

小学生日常对话用语 [0.00K]

英美文化背景 [0.00K]

英语创意教学 [0.00K]

英语小故事 [0.00K]

语音 [0.00K]

语音音频教学 [0.00K]

字母素材 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)六英下–作文指导与欣赏 [0.00K]

节假日旅行计划或回忆 [0.00K]

人物介绍 [0.00K]

事物介绍或叙事 [0.00K]

喜好习惯介绍 [0.00K]

邮件信件日记 [0.00K]

新外研英语三起 6下flash动画 [0.00K]

module01 [0.00K]

module02 [0.00K]

module03 [0.00K]

module04 [0.00K]

module05 [0.00K]

module06 [0.00K]

module07 [0.00K]

module08 [0.00K]

module09 [0.00K]

module10 [0.00K]

歌曲 [0.00K]

三上 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–1. 教案、教学计划、知识归纳、说课稿 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–2. 教案、教学计划、知识归纳、说课稿 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)三英上教案、教学计划、知识归纳、说课稿 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–2. 教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–4. 教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)三英上教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–7. 同步习题、真卷 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–7. 同步习题、真卷 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)三英上同步习题、真卷 [0.00K]

同步习题 [0.00K]

真卷 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy)–6. 课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

2017秋三英上(wy 三起)–6. 课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)三英上课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

动画视频 [0.00K]

课文朗读 [0.00K]

三年级上册测试题(10份) [0.00K]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)三年级上册测试题(10份) [0.00K]

三年级上册动画视频 [0.00K]

2013外研社三起三年级上册动画视频 [0.00K]

三上flash动画 [0.00K]

三上ppt课件 [0.00K]

外研三起小学英语三上ppt课件 [0.00K]

三上word教案 [0.00K]

外研三起小学英语三上word教案 [0.00K]

三上真卷 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)三上真卷 [0.00K]

三英上电子教材 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)三英上电子教材 [0.00K]

三英上教案 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)三英上教案 [0.00K]

三英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)三英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

三英上课文朗读 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)三英上课文朗读 [0.00K]

三下 [3.95G]

三年级下册动画视频 [3.79G]

【编号xyy123】外研三起小学英语三下ppt课件 [594.75M]

module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (1)_20200808215248.ppt [1.25M]

module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (2)_20200808215251.ppt [4.01M]

module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (3)_20200808215248.ppt [570.50K]

module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (4)_20200808215249.ppt [2.15M]

module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (5)_20200808215249.ppt [1.27M]

module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件3_20200808215252.ppt [2.57M]

module 10《unit 2 she’s got an orange sweater》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [1.65M]

module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件1_20200808215249.ppt [2.21M]

module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [3.03M]

module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件3_20200808215249.ppt [3.84M]

module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件4_20200808215251.ppt [2.02M]

module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件3_20200808215249.ppt [2.21M]

module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件5_20200808215258.ppt [1.69M]

module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件6_20200808215259.ppt [2.79M]

module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件1_20200808215249.ppt [11.70M]

module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件2_20200808215251.ppt [2.21M]

module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件3_20200808215252.ppt [853.00K]

module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件4_20200808215247.ppt [596.50K]

module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件6_20200808215250.ppt [2.13M]

module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件5_20200808215248.ppt [2.18M]

module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件3_20200808215248.ppt [2.32M]

module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件4_20200808215249.ppt [4.16M]

module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件1_20200808215249.ppt [1.87M]

module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件2_20200808215254.ppt [6.61M]

module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件3_20200808215250.ppt [573.00K]

module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件4_20200808215250.ppt [4.20M]

module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件1_20200808215253.ppt [1.23M]

module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [1.66M]

module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件2_20200808215253.ppt [4.61M]

module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件4_20200808215248.ppt [820.50K]

module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件2_20200808215250.ppt [5.41M]

module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件4_20200808215256.ppt [4.15M]

module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件4_20200808215256.ppt [3.17M]

module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [1.52M]

module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件4_20200808215252.ppt [2.33M]

module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件6_20200808215255.ppt [3.97M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (1).ppt [1.25M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (2).ppt [4.01M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (3).ppt [570.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (4).ppt [2.15M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1 unit 1 it’s the abc song. (5).ppt [1.27M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件1.ppt [823.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [823.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件2.ppt [171.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件2_20200808215251.ppt [171.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件3.ppt [2.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件4.ppt [612.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件4_20200808215247.ppt [612.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件5.ppt [1.26M]

外研版(三起)三下module 1《unit 2 my favourite colour is yellow》ppt课件5_20200808215247.ppt [1.26M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件1.ppt [1.04M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [1.04M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件2.ppt [11.84M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件2_20200808215258.ppt [11.84M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件3.ppt [9.53M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件4.ppt [1.03M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件4_20200808215251.ppt [1.03M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件5.ppt [1.71M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件5_20200808215249.ppt [1.71M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件6.ppt [3.99M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件6_20200808215249.ppt [3.99M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件7.ppt [9.48M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 1 here’s a red hat》ppt课件7_20200808215253.ppt [9.48M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 2 she’s got an orange sweater》ppt课件1.ppt [1.65M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 2 she’s got an orange sweater》ppt课件2.ppt [1.75M]

外研版(三起)三下module 10《unit 2 she’s got an orange sweater》ppt课件2_20200808215259.ppt [1.75M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件1.ppt [2.21M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件2.ppt [3.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [3.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件3.ppt [2.21M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件3_20200808215249.ppt [2.21M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件4.ppt [3.41M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 1 they are monkeys》ppt课件4_20200808215248.ppt [3.41M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件1.ppt [1.37M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件1_20200808215256.ppt [1.37M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件2.ppt [3.03M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件3.ppt [205.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件3_20200808215252.ppt [205.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件4.ppt [3.35M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件4_20200808215248.ppt [3.35M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件5.ppt [2.89M]

外研版(三起)三下module 2《unit 2 the man is short》ppt课件5_20200808215256.ppt [2.89M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件1.ppt [1.25M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [1.25M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件2.ppt [4.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件2_20200808215248.ppt [4.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件3.ppt [3.84M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 1 i like football》ppt课件4.ppt [2.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件1.ppt [748.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [748.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件2.ppt [1.08M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [1.08M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件3.ppt [2.21M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件4.ppt [4.27M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件4_20200808215249.ppt [4.27M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件5.ppt [1.69M]

外研版(三起)三下module 3《unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike》ppt课件6.ppt [3.27M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件1m.ppt [3.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件1m_20200808215252.ppt [3.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件2m.ppt [3.34M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件2m_20200808215249.ppt [3.34M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件3m.ppt [4.25M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件3m_20200808215250.ppt [4.25M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件4.ppt [1.15M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件4_20200808215253.ppt [1.15M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件5.ppt [428.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件5_20200808215248.ppt [428.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 1 do you like meat》ppt课件6.ppt [2.79M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件1.ppt [11.70M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件2.ppt [2.21M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件3.ppt [853.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件4.ppt [596.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件5.ppt [1.77M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件5_20200808215248.ppt [1.77M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件6.ppt [2.13M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件7.ppt [7.76M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件7_20200808215249.ppt [7.76M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件8.ppt [3.71M]

外研版(三起)三下module 4《unit 2 does lingling like oranges》ppt课件8_20200808215250.ppt [3.71M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件1.ppt [3.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件1_20200808215248.ppt [3.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件2.ppt [2.29M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件2_20200808215256.ppt [2.29M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件3.ppt [1.00M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件3_20200808215249.ppt [1.00M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件4.ppt [3.38M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件4_20200808215252.ppt [3.38M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 1 she goes to school on mondays》ppt课件5.ppt [2.18M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件1.ppt [783.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件1_20200808215256.ppt [783.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件2.ppt [2.73M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件2_20200808215249.ppt [2.73M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件3.ppt [2.32M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件4.ppt [4.16M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件5.ppt [5.08M]

外研版(三起)三下module 5《unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays》ppt课件5_20200808215252.ppt [5.08M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件1.ppt [1.87M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件2.ppt [6.61M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件3.ppt [744.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件3_20200808215250.ppt [744.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件4.ppt [1.38M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件4_20200808215250.ppt [1.38M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件5.ppt [2.74M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 1 what do you do on sundays》ppt课件5_20200808215259.ppt [2.74M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件1m.ppt [4.28M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件1m_20200808215250.ppt [4.28M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件2.ppt [4.26M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件2_20200808215252.ppt [4.26M]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件3.ppt [573.00K]

外研版(三起)三下module 6《unit 2 what does lingling have at school》ppt课件4.ppt [4.20M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件1.ppt [1.23M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件2.ppt [1.66M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件3.ppt [4.31M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件3_20200808215300.ppt [4.31M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件4.ppt [4.92M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 1 we fly kites in spring》ppt课件4_20200808215249.ppt [4.92M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件1.ppt [1.20M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件1_20200808215252.ppt [1.20M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件2.ppt [4.61M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件3.ppt [611.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件3_20200808215248.ppt [611.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件4.ppt [820.50K]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件5.ppt [2.48M]

外研版(三起)三下module 7《unit 2 it’s warm today》ppt课件5_20200808215250.ppt [2.48M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件1.ppt [12.43M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件1_20200808215250.ppt [12.43M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件2.ppt [5.41M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件3.ppt [3.55M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件3_20200808215248.ppt [3.55M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 1 it’s on your desk》ppt课件4.ppt [4.15M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件1.ppt [1.76M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件1_20200808215249.ppt [1.76M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件2.ppt [1.63M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件2_20200808215252.ppt [1.63M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件3.ppt [0.99M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件3_20200808215248.ppt [0.99M]

外研版(三起)三下module 8《unit 2 daming flies a kite in the park》ppt课件4.ppt [3.17M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件1.ppt [3.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件1_20200808215249.ppt [3.57M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件2.ppt [1.52M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件3.ppt [10.23M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件3_20200808215250.ppt [10.23M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件4.ppt [2.33M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件5.ppt [7.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件5_20200808215249.ppt [7.02M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 1 i’ve got a new book》ppt课件6.ppt [3.97M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件1.ppt [9.83M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件1_20200808215250.ppt [9.83M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件2.ppt [3.86M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件2_20200808215251.ppt [3.86M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件3m.ppt [3.53M]

外研版(三起)三下module 9《unit 2 has amy got a bike》ppt课件3m_20200808215259.ppt [3.53M]

【编号xyy124】外研三起小学英语三下word教案 [1.17M]

【57页精品】外研三起小学英语三下教案m.doc [532.00K]

【66页精品】外研社小学英语三年级下册全册教案_详案.doc [335.00K]

66页精品】外研社小学英语三年级下册全册教案_详案_20200808215252.doc [335.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下 课文朗读 [162.68M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块1 [34.12M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块10 [18.14M]

10-1 here’s a red hat.mp3 [3.32M]

10-1 here’s a red hat_20200808215253.mp3 [3.32M]

10-2 she’s got an orange sweater.mp3 [5.75M]

10-2 she’s got an orange sweater_20200808215250.mp3 [5.75M]

1-1 it’s the abc song.mp3 [3.95M]

1-1 it’s the abc song_20200808215301.mp3 [3.95M]

1-2 my favourite colour is yellow.mp3 [4.04M]

1-2 my favourite colour is yellow_20200808215250.mp3 [4.04M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块2 [14.31M]

2-1 they’re monkeys.mp3 [3.56M]

2-1 they’re monkeys_20200808215257.mp3 [3.56M]

2-2 that man is short.mp3 [3.59M]

2-2 that man is short_20200808215251.mp3 [3.59M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块3 [14.30M]

3-1 i like football.mp3 [3.95M]

3-1 i like football_20200808215250.mp3 [3.95M]

3-2 i don’t like riding my bike.mp3 [3.20M]

3-2 i don’t like riding my bike_20200808215251.mp3 [3.20M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块4 [16.60M]

4-1 do you like meat.mp3 [3.69M]

4-1 do you like meat_20200808215253.mp3 [3.69M]

4-2 does lingling like oranges.mp3 [4.61M]

4-2 does lingling like oranges_20200808215250.mp3 [4.61M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块5 [15.28M]

5-1 she goes to school on mondays.mp3 [3.57M]

5-1 she goes to school on mondays_20200808215255.mp3 [3.57M]

5-2 does your mum go to work on saturdays.mp3 [4.07M]

5-2 does your mum go to work on saturdays_20200808215254.mp3 [4.07M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块6 [17.43M]

6-1 what do you do on sundays.mp3 [3.67M]

6-1 what do you do on sundays_20200808215252.mp3 [3.67M]

6-2 what does lingling have at school.mp3 [5.04M]

6-2 what does lingling have at school_20200808215300.mp3 [5.04M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块7 [12.09M]

7-1 we fly kites in spring.mp3 [4.36M]

7-2 it’s warm today.mp3 [3.87M]

7-2 it’s warm today_20200808215253.mp3 [3.87M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块8 [19.41M]

8-1 it’s on your desk.mp3 [3.87M]

8-1 it’s on your desk_20200808215251.mp3 [3.87M]

8-2 daming flies a kite in the park.mp3 [5.84M]

8-2 daming flies a kite in the park_20200808215252.mp3 [5.84M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块9 [19.14M]

9-1 i’ve got a new book.mp3 [4.63M]

9-1 i’ve got a new book_20200808215256.mp3 [4.63M]

9-2 has amy got a bike.mp3 [4.94M]

9-2 has amy got a bike_20200808215252.mp3 [4.94M]

17春外研(三起)三英下–教案 [743.00K]

_20200808215248.doc [371.50K]

外研(三起)英语三年级下册教案.doc [371.50K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–教师小帮手 [219.86M]

班主任工作 [658.00K]

_20200808215251.doc [23.50K]

_20200808215301.doc [37.50K]

班主任必备表格.doc [101.00K]

班主任必备表格_20200808215251.doc [101.00K]

班主任常规工作.doc [37.50K]

班主任工作计划.doc [23.50K]

班主任工作手册.doc [143.50K]

班主任工作手册_20200808215252.doc [143.50K]

班主任工作总结.doc [23.50K]

班主任工作总结_20200808215252.doc [23.50K]

家校联系本 [2.77M]

1_20200808215256.doc [159.00K]

2_20200808215255.doc [117.50K]

4_20200808215300.doc [248.00K]

家校联系本.doc [103.00K]

家校联系本.docx [139.77K]

家校联系本_20200808215250.docx [139.77K]

家校联系本_20200808215254.doc [103.00K]

家校联系本1.doc [159.00K]

家校联系本2.doc [117.50K]

家校联系本3.doc [76.00K]

家校联系本3_20200808215252.doc [76.00K]

家校联系本4.doc [248.00K]

家校联系本5.doc [1.12M]

教师常用表格 [982.00K]

_20200808215258.doc [37.00K]

班委会名单.doc [37.00K]

成绩登记表.doc [142.50K]

成绩登记表_20200808215253.doc [142.50K]

教师课程表.doc [32.50K]

教师课程表_20200808215302.doc [32.50K]

课程表(全学科).xls [27.00K]

课程表(全学科)_20200808215254.xls [27.00K]

课程表.xls [34.50K]

课程表_20200808215256.xls [34.50K]

学生通联表.doc [147.50K]

学生通联表_20200808215256.doc [147.50K]

作业收交记录.doc [70.00K]

作业收交记录_20200808215255.doc [70.00K]

教师用语 [139.00K]

_20200808215250.doc [16.50K]

_20200808215251.doc [27.00K]

_20200808215253.doc [26.00K]

表扬类.doc [27.00K]

鼓励类.doc [26.00K]

英语课堂用语.doc [16.50K]

小学黑板报 [210.11M]

_20200808215250.doc [60.00K]

_20200808215251.doc [4.15M]

_20200808215251.ppt [341.00K]

_20200808215252.doc [18.42M]

_20200808215254.ppt [3.66M]

_20200808215255.doc [62.50K]

_20200808215255.ppt [5.48M]

_20200808215301.doc [300.50K]

《设计小板报》.ppt [3.66M]

14张_20200808215252.doc [644.50K]

14张_20200808215254.doc [759.02K]

二年级环保板报.doc [60.00K]

法治板报.doc [300.50K]

-感恩_20200808215251.doc [498.00K]

海洋世界.ppt [2.99M]

黑板报-感恩.doc [498.00K]

环保板报.doc [60.50K]

环保板报_20200808215256.doc [60.50K]

教师节黑板报版面设计样图14张.doc [759.02K]

六年级黑板报.doc [498.00K]

六年级优质科普黑板报设计.doc [18.42M]

六年级优质科普黑板报设计_20200808215301.doc [18.42M]

六年级中秋节板报.ppt [341.00K]

三年级《设计小板报》.ppt [3.66M]

三年级《设计小板报》_20200808215252.ppt [3.66M]

三年级板报.doc [12.13M]

三年级板报_20200808215255.doc [12.13M]

三年级板报_春节.doc [204.00K]

三年级板报_春节_20200808215254.doc [204.00K]

三年级大气板报.doc [0.98M]

三年级大气板报_20200808215302.doc [0.98M]

三年级读书板报.ppt [5.48M]

四年级黑板报第一期资料.doc [53.50K]

四年级黑板报第一期资料_20200808215251.doc [53.50K]

四年级手抄报.doc [833.50K]

四年级手抄报_20200808215254.doc [833.50K]

五年级_设计小板报.ppt [8.91M]

五年级_设计小板报_20200808215253.ppt [8.91M]

五年级黑板报设计ppt.ppt [4.92M]

五年级黑板报设计ppt_20200808215251.ppt [4.92M]

小学班级黑板报精选.doc [635.00K]

小学班级黑板报精选_20200808215252.doc [635.00K]

小学二年级黑板报电子格式.doc [107.00K]

小学二年级黑板报电子格式_20200808215258.doc [107.00K]

小学黑板报.ppt [597.50K]

小学黑板报_20200808215251.ppt [597.50K]

小学黑板报和班级布置集锦.ppt [3.31M]

小学黑板报和班级布置集锦_20200808215256.ppt [3.31M]

小学黑板报集锦.ppt [18.27M]

小学教师节黑板报版面设计样图14张.doc [644.50K]

小学生出各种黑板报的内容大全.doc [62.50K]

小学文明礼仪板报.doc [1.02M]

小学文明礼仪板报_20200808215250.doc [1.02M]

一年级黑板报.doc [3.36M]

一年级黑板报_20200808215252.doc [3.36M]

一年级黑板报内容要求.doc [417.50K]

一年级黑板报内容要求_20200808215256.doc [417.50K]

一年级图画板报.doc [4.15M]

优质科普黑板报设计.doc [18.42M]

中秋节板报.ppt [341.00K]

中秋节板报_20200808215250.ppt [341.00K]

学生评语 [415.50K]

(2)_20200808215258.doc [34.50K]

2_20200808215251.doc [26.00K]

3_20200808215254.doc [26.00K]

期末学生评语.doc [27.50K]

期末学生评语_20200808215250.doc [27.50K]

期末学生评语选粹.doc [27.00K]

期末学生评语选粹_20200808215251.doc [27.00K]

小学生评语大全 (2).doc [34.50K]

小学生评语大全.doc [24.50K]

学生评语1.doc [26.50K]

学生评语1_20200808215301.doc [26.50K]

学生评语2.doc [26.00K]

学生评语3.doc [26.00K]

学生评语4.doc [28.00K]

学生评语4_20200808215251.doc [28.00K]

英语教学工作总结 [639.69K]

_20200808215251.docx [17.19K]

_20200808215252.doc [23.50K]

_20200808215256.docx [13.62K]

_20200808215258.doc [13.50K]

1_20200808215252.docx [16.89K]

3_20200808215257.docx [16.62K]

3_20200808215302.doc [26.00K]

5_20200808215254.docx [14.54K]

班主任工作总结.doc [13.50K]

工作总结1.doc [26.50K]

工作总结1_20200808215257.doc [26.50K]

工作总结2.doc [24.00K]

工作总结2_20200808215253.doc [24.00K]

工作总结3.doc [26.00K]

小学英语教学总结.docx [17.19K]

小学英语教学总结1.docx [16.89K]

小学英语教学总结10.docx [14.25K]

小学英语教学总结10_20200808215255.docx [14.25K]

小学英语教学总结2.docx [14.64K]

小学英语教学总结2_20200808215251.docx [14.64K]

小学英语教学总结3.docx [16.62K]

小学英语教学总结4.docx [13.82K]

小学英语教学总结4_20200808215256.docx [13.82K]

小学英语教学总结5.docx [14.54K]

小学英语教学总结6.docx [16.97K]

小学英语教学总结6_20200808215301.docx [16.97K]

小学英语教学总结7.docx [16.97K]

小学英语教学总结8.docx [13.80K]

小学英语教学总结8_20200808215256.docx [13.80K]

小学英语教学总结9.docx [13.98K]

小学英语课改工作总结.docx [13.62K]

小学英语六年级下册备课组工作计划.doc [15.50K]

小学英语六年级下册备课组工作计划_20200808215258.doc [15.50K]

小学英语六年级下册备课组工作总结.doc [15.50K]

小学英语六年级下册教学工作计划.doc [23.50K]

中小学英语教学工作总结.docx [15.27K]

中小学英语教学工作总结_20200808215254.docx [15.27K]

英语教学论文 [1.03M]

_20200808215251.docx [13.86K]

_20200808215252.docx [14.34K]

_20200808215253.doc [20.50K]

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_20200808215301.docx [16.90K]

《如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣》.docx [14.56K]

《如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣》_20200808215256.docx [14.56K]

《如何培养学生学英语的兴趣》.docx [15.02K]

《英语教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣》.docx [15.17K]

《英语教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣》_20200808215251.docx [15.17K]

《怎样在农村的英语课堂上培养学生的自信与兴趣》.docx [14.64K]

《怎样在农村的英语课堂上培养学生的自信与兴趣》_20200808215251.docx [14.64K]

创建特色英语课堂,将学生点亮.doc [20.50K]

创建特色英语课堂,将学生点亮_20200808215255.doc [20.50K]

动起来,让英语课堂充满活力.docx [14.34K]

多媒体手段优化小学英语课堂.docx [16.93K]

多媒体手段优化小学英语课堂_20200808215302.docx [16.93K]

浅谈多媒体在英语教学中的应用.docx [16.90K]

浅谈如何提高小学英语教学的有效性.docx [15.61K]

浅谈如何提高小学英语教学的有效性_20200808215256.docx [15.61K]

浅谈小学英语课堂中的游戏教学.doc [20.50K]

浅谈小学英语口语教学的多种形式.docx [14.53K]

浅谈英语课堂教学的板书设计.docx [13.47K]

让小学英语课堂活起来.docx [15.59K]

让小学英语课堂活起来_20200808215253.docx [15.59K]

如何构建小学英语高校课堂.docx [14.40K]

如何开展小学低年级英语教学.docx [15.70K]

如何开展小学低年级英语教学_20200808215252.docx [15.70K]

如何提高小学生英语的听说能力.docx [16.51K]

谈怎样培养学生良好的外语学习习惯.docx [15.05K]

谈怎样培养学生良好的外语学习习惯_20200808215303.docx [15.05K]

提高小学生学习英语兴趣之我见.docx [13.56K]

提高小学生学习英语兴趣之我见_20200808215254.docx [13.56K]

体态语在小学英语教学中的应用.docx [15.72K]

小学英语:谈期末复习方法.docx [14.69K]

小学英语:谈期末复习方法_20200808215257.docx [14.69K]

小学英语“情趣教学”漫谈.docx [16.71K]

小学英语“情趣教学”漫谈_20200808215259.docx [16.71K]

小学英语单词记忆方法初探.docx [15.15K]

小学英语单词记忆方法初探_20200808215252.docx [15.15K]

小学英语教学的亮点:乐教、趣学.docx [13.86K]

小学英语教育的四个侧重点.docx [13.92K]

小学英语课堂教学的“三化”.docx [13.62K]

小学英语课堂教学的“三化”_20200808215251.docx [13.62K]

小学英语课堂教学方法.doc [35.00K]

小学英语课堂教学方法_20200808215256.doc [35.00K]

信息技术使我的英语课堂无限延伸.docx [16.74K]

信息技术使我的英语课堂无限延伸_20200808215252.docx [16.74K]

循环式英语教学法.docx [15.52K]

循环式英语教学法_20200808215256.docx [15.52K]

英语教学中的小组合作学习.docx [16.08K]

运用电教媒体-完善英语教学艺术性.doc [77.50K]

运用电教媒体-完善英语教学艺术性_20200808215259.doc [77.50K]

主题班会 [3.18M]

_20200808215252.doc [38.50K]

_20200808215255.doc [38.50K]

“争做文明的小学生”主题班会活动方案.doc [8.32K]

“争做文明的小学生”主题班会活动方案_20200808215301.doc [8.32K]

诚实守信 言行一致.doc [35.00K]

诚实守信 言行一致_20200808215251.doc [35.00K]

关心班级 热爱集体.doc [36.50K]

关心班级 热爱集体_20200808215253.doc [36.50K]

文明之花满校园.doc [37.50K]

文明之花满校园_20200808215250.doc [37.50K]

学会宽容.doc [38.50K]

迎难而上.doc [36.00K]

迎难而上_20200808215251.doc [36.00K]

责任伴我成长.doc [38.50K]

珍惜时光.doc [39.00K]

珍惜时光_20200808215250.doc [39.00K]

主题班会课件:老师_您好.ppt [1.30M]

主题班会课件:老师_您好_20200808215253.ppt [1.30M]

祖国妈妈我爱您 主题班会.doc [28.00K]

祖国妈妈我爱您 主题班会_20200808215252.doc [28.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–课件 [75.09M]

m10u1 it’s on your desk ppt课件(2)_20200808215248.ppt [3.22M]

m10u1 it’s on your desk ppt课件_20200808215255.ppt [564.50K]

m1u2 my favourite toy is a car ppt课件_20200808215250.ppt [423.00K]

m4u2 does daming like banana ppt课件_20200808215249.ppt [743.50K]

m7u1 we have a big family dinner ppt课件(2)_20200808215248.ppt [791.50K]

m7u1 we have a big family dinner ppt课件_20200808215258.ppt [832.00K]

m7u2_20200808215251.ppt [5.87M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m10u1 it’s on your desk ppt课件(2).ppt [3.22M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m10u1 it’s on your desk ppt课件.ppt [564.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m10u2.ppt [5.09M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m10u2_20200808215247.ppt [5.09M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m1u1 it’s the abc song ppt课件.ppt [433.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m1u1 it’s the abc song ppt课件_20200808215248.ppt [433.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m1u2 my favourite toy is a car ppt课件.ppt [423.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m2u1 they’re monkeys ppt课件.ppt [2.16M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m2u1 they’re monkeys ppt课件_20200808215248.ppt [2.16M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m2u2 that monkey is fat ppt课件.ppt [276.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m2u2 that monkey is fat ppt课件_20200808215248.ppt [276.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m3u1 i like football ppt课件.ppt [519.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m3u1 i like football ppt课件_20200808215248.ppt [519.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m3u2 i don’t like riding bikes ppt课件2.ppt [328.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m3u2 i don’t like riding bikes ppt课件2_20200808215248.ppt [328.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u1 do you like meat ppt课件(2).ppt [637.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u1 do you like meat ppt课件(3).ppt [411.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u1 do you like meat ppt课件(3)_20200808215251.ppt [411.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u1 do you like meat ppt课件.ppt [1.20M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u1 do you like meat ppt课件_20200808215258.ppt [1.20M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m4u2 does daming like banana ppt课件.ppt [743.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m5u1 i get up at seven o’clock ppt课件.ppt [1.03M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m5u1 i get up at seven o’clock ppt课件_20200808215249.ppt [1.03M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m6u1 what do you do at the weekend ppt课件.ppt [459.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m6u1 what do you do at the weekend ppt课件_20200808215252.ppt [459.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m6u2 what does lingling have at school》课件.ppt [2.70M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m6u2 what does lingling have at school》课件_20200808215247.ppt [2.70M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m7u1 we have a big family dinner ppt课件(2).ppt [791.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m7u1 we have a big family dinner ppt课件.ppt [832.00K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m7u2.ppt [5.87M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m8u1 it’s hot in summer ppt课件.ppt [259.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m8u1 it’s hot in summer ppt课件_20200808215252.ppt [259.50K]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m8u2.ppt [3.23M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m8u2_20200808215247.ppt [3.23M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m9u1.ppt [11.12M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m9u2 she goes to school by bike ppt课件.ppt [1.28M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:m9u2 she goes to school by bike ppt课件_20200808215249.ppt [1.28M]

17春外研(三起)三英下–真卷1 [756.59M]

1.doc [39.64M]

1_20200808215248.doc [39.64M]

2.doc [40.91M]

2_20200808215252.doc [40.91M]

3.doc [47.58M]

3_20200808215247.doc [47.58M]

4.doc [45.53M]

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5.doc [37.58M]

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6.doc [38.17M]

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7.doc [46.18M]

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8.doc [40.50M]

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9.doc [42.22M]

9_20200808215247.doc [42.22M]

17春外研(三起)三英下–真卷2 [703.80M]

10.doc [38.14M]

10_20200808215249.doc [38.14M]

11.doc [44.21M]

11_20200808215248.doc [44.21M]

12.doc [38.83M]

12_20200808215249.doc [38.83M]

13.doc [62.39M]

13_20200808215247.doc [62.39M]

14.doc [49.25M]

14_20200808215247.doc [49.25M]

15.doc [32.12M]

15_20200808215248.doc [32.12M]

16.doc [39.92M]

16_20200808215251.doc [39.92M]

17.doc [47.04M]

17_20200808215247.doc [47.04M]

17春外研(三起)三英下–资源包 [748.12M]

趣味课堂 [532.06M]

趣味素材 [531.35M]

儿童英文歌谣 [84.96M]

1.bmp [0.99M]

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thumbs_20200808215258.db [160.00K]

小学英语儿歌.doc [35.00K]

元音字母歌.bmp [788.46K]

元音字母歌_20200808215306.bmp [788.46K]

视频素材 [23.14M]

_20200808215309.swf [422.15K]

26字母学习.swf [247.32K]

animal_20200808215311.swf [225.59K]

clyde’s smile.swf [531.97K]

four seasons.swf [613.56K]

happy new year_20200808215302.swf [1.65M]

hello.swf [186.74K]

hello_20200808215301.swf [186.74K]

how are you.swf [2.28M]

how are you_20200808215303.swf [2.28M]

how old are you.swf [2.78M]

how old are you_20200808215302.swf [2.78M]

number.swf [42.64K]

number_20200808215304.swf [42.64K]

numbers and games_20200808215310.swf [0.98M]

party.swf [517.17K]

party_20200808215259.swf [517.17K]

rainbow.swf [462.31K]

rainbow_20200808215311.swf [462.31K]

seaanimal.swf [821.58K]

seaanimal_20200808215304.swf [821.58K]

six little teddy bears.swf [377.59K]

six little teddy bears_20200808215303.swf [377.59K]

teddy bear.swf [565.98K]

teddy bear_20200808215301.swf [565.98K]

teddy bear1.swf [327.97K]

teddy bear1_20200808215304.swf [327.97K]

this is tom.swf [942.00K]

this is tom_20200808215303.swf [942.00K]

what is this.swf [58.77K]

what is this_20200808215302.swf [58.77K]

小学生英文笑话 [228.85K]

小学生英文短片笑话.doc [35.00K]

小学生英文短片笑话_20200808215310.doc [35.00K]

小学生英文笑话.doc [69.00K]

英文小笑话1.doc [25.00K]

英文小笑话1_20200808215301.doc [25.00K]

英文小笑话集锦.docx [19.92K]

英文小笑话集锦_20200808215257.docx [19.92K]

音频 [367.70M]

01 it’s a small world [7.50M]

01 it’s a small world.doc [26.00K]

01 it’s a small world.mp3 [3.72M]

01 it’s a small world_20200808215302.mp3 [3.72M]

01 it’s a small world_20200808215307.doc [26.00K]

02 new year’s resolution [2.80M]

02 new year’s resolution.mp3 [1.40M]

02 new year’s resolution_20200808215311.mp3 [1.40M]

– b037577 儿歌学英语 – 儿童歌曲_20200808215302.mp3 [2.79M]

– 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第32集_20200808215306.mp3 [1.70M]

– 儿歌学英语 社会职业名称_20200808215304.mp3 [3.17M]

– 趣味学英语 – 童声版_20200808215300.mp3 [1.16M]

– 英语儿歌大全常见动物名称_20200808215303.mp3 [4.85M]

– 英语文具用品名称_20200808215301.mp3 [2.50M]

– 英语幼儿歌曲串烧_20200808215305.mp3 [3.50M]

_20200808215306.mp3 [1.10M]

_20200808215312.mp3 [3.84M]

01 if only i could take home a snowflake.mp3 [1.20M]

01 if only i could take home a snowflake_20200808215305.mp3 [1.20M]

01 introduction.mp3 [325.71K]

01 introduction_20200808215301.mp3 [325.71K]

02 happy spring festival.mp3 [1.50M]

02 happy spring festival_20200808215303.mp3 [1.50M]

02 in the classroom.mp3 [1.59M]

02 in the classroom_20200808215302.mp3 [1.59M]

03 teachers’ day around the world.mp3 [2.34M]

03 teachers’ day around the world_20200808215300.mp3 [2.34M]

03 the diary of a forest girl.mp3 [1.40M]

03 the diary of a forest girl_20200808215302.mp3 [1.40M]

03 the mango tree.mp3 [2.00M]

03 the mango tree_20200808215259.mp3 [2.00M]

04 pirate’s treasure.mp3 [2.06M]

04 pirate’s treasure_20200808215307.mp3 [2.06M]

04 the greedy mouse.mp3 [2.05M]

04 the peacock and the crow.mp3 [1.56M]

04 the peacock and the crow_20200808215311.mp3 [1.56M]

05 dublin-a city of culture.mp3 [4.28M]

05 dublin-a city of culture_20200808215301.mp3 [4.28M]

05 london.mp3 [3.65M]

05 london_20200808215302.mp3 [3.65M]

05 peter’s present.mp3 [2.84M]

05 peter’s present_20200808215258.mp3 [2.84M]

06 be what you wanna be.mp3 [5.63M]

06 be what you wanna be_20200808215304.mp3 [5.63M]

06 everything at once.mp3 [5.55M]

06 everything at once_20200808215303.mp3 [5.55M]

06 rome—the eternal city.mp3 [3.65M]

06 rome—the eternal city_20200808215301.mp3 [3.65M]

07 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene a.mp3 [2.56M]

07 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene a_20200808215304.mp3 [2.56M]

07 kung fu panda scene a.mp3 [3.38M]

07 kung fu panda scene a_20200808215302.mp3 [3.38M]

07 the happy song.mp3 [4.82M]

07 the happy song_20200808215304.mp3 [4.82M]

08 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene b.mp3 [2.78M]

08 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene b_20200808215311.mp3 [2.78M]

08 kung fu panda ii scene b.mp3 [1.40M]

08 norm saves his own home:scene a.mp3 [3.76M]

08 norm saves his own home:scene a_20200808215300.mp3 [3.76M]

09 kung fu panda ii scene c.mp3 [1.92M]

09 kung fu panda ii scene c_20200808215312.mp3 [1.92M]

09 my favourite clothes.mp3 [1.49M]

09 my favourite clothes_20200808215305.mp3 [1.49M]

09 norm saves his own home:scene b.mp3 [3.22M]

09 norm saves his own home:scene b_20200808215304.mp3 [3.22M]

10 my dad.mp3 [3.08M]

10 my dad_20200808215301.mp3 [3.08M]

10 norm saves his own home:scene c.mp3 [1.98M]

10 norm saves his own home:scene c_20200808215304.mp3 [1.98M]

10 superheroes:here we go.mp3 [1.13M]

10 superheroes:here we go_20200808215303.mp3 [1.13M]

11 i couldn’t believe my eyes.mp3 [1.82M]

11 i couldn’t believe my eyes_20200808215302.mp3 [1.82M]

11 the “fu” character in spring festival.mp3 [1.02M]

11 the “fu” character in spring festival_20200808215313.mp3 [1.02M]

11 weirdos in nature.mp3 [1.68M]

11 weirdos in nature_20200808215306.mp3 [1.68M]

12 four phases of the moon.mp3 [2.68M]

12 four phases of the moon_20200808215302.mp3 [2.68M]

12 phonics train:long e.mp3 [1.00M]

12 phonics train:long e_20200808215304.mp3 [1.00M]

12 the laba festival.mp3 [671.02K]

12 the laba festival_20200808215302.mp3 [671.02K]

13 phonics train long a.mp3 [1.21M]

13 phonics train long a_20200808215301.mp3 [1.21M]

13 phonics train:vowel o.mp3 [946.12K]

13 phonics train:vowel o_20200808215302.mp3 [946.12K]

14 legends about the moon.mp3 [2.13M]

14 legends about the moon_20200808215259.mp3 [2.13M]

26个英文字母 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215302.mp3 [3.75M]

abc字母歌 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.04M]

abc字母歌 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215307.mp3 [2.04M]

are you sleeping你还睡吗 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.26M]

are you sleeping你还睡吗 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215258.mp3 [2.26M]

barbie girl – 英文儿歌.mp3 [3.00M]

barbie girl – 英文儿歌_20200808215311.mp3 [3.00M]

body song – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.36M]

body song – 英文儿歌_20200808215301.mp3 [1.36M]

good bye to you再见歌 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.71M]

good bye to you再见歌 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215302.mp3 [1.71M]

good morning to you早上好 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.68M]

good morning to you早上好 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215259.mp3 [1.68M]

goodbye – 儿歌儿童歌曲儿童故事 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.87M]

goodbye – 儿歌儿童歌曲儿童故事 – 英文儿歌_20200808215305.mp3 [1.87M]

hands up – 英文儿歌.mp3 [2.95M]

hands up – 英文儿歌_20200808215304.mp3 [2.95M]

happy birthday – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.74M]

happy birthday – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215301.mp3 [1.74M]

happy new year – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.48M]

happy new year – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215305.mp3 [1.48M]

i have two hands 我有两只手 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.18M]

i have two hands 我有两只手 – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215303.mp3 [2.18M]

london bridge – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.79M]

london bridge – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215305.mp3 [1.79M]

mary had a little lamb – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.63M]

mary had a little lamb – 原版伴奏 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.43M]

mary had a little lamb – 原版伴奏 – 英文儿歌_20200808215311.mp3 [1.43M]

old gray mare – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.45M]

old gray mare – 英文儿歌_20200808215300.mp3 [1.45M]

one,tow,three,four,five – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.06M]

one,tow,three,four,five – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215312.mp3 [2.06M]

take me out to the ball game – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.24M]

take me out to the ball game – 英文儿歌_20200808215307.mp3 [1.24M]

twelve months – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.78M]

twelve months – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215304.mp3 [1.78M]

twinkle,twinkle,little star – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.04M]

twinkle,twinkle,little star – 小蓓蕾组合_20200808215302.mp3 [2.04M]

walking walking – 英文儿歌.mp3 [850.85K]

walking walking – 英文儿歌_20200808215305.mp3 [850.85K]

哆来咪.mp3 [3.00M]

儿童歌曲 – 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第32集.mp3 [1.70M]

儿童歌曲 – 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第39集.mp3 [1.45M]

儿童歌曲 – 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第39集_20200808215304.mp3 [1.45M]

儿童歌曲 – 趣味学英语 – 童声版.mp3 [1.16M]

儿童歌曲 – 数字英语.mp3 [3.69M]

儿童歌曲 – 数字英语_20200808215313.mp3 [3.69M]

儿童歌曲 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书.mp3 [573.59K]

儿童歌曲 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书_20200808215302.mp3 [573.59K]

儿童歌曲 – 英语儿歌大全常见动物名称.mp3 [4.85M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语礼貌问候用语儿歌.mp3 [1.98M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语礼貌问候用语儿歌_20200808215302.mp3 [1.98M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语文具用品名称.mp3 [2.50M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语五官名称歌.mp3 [1.59M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语五官名称歌_20200808215304.mp3 [1.59M]

儿童歌曲 – 幼儿学英语水果.mp3 [2.23M]

儿童歌曲 – 幼儿学英语水果_20200808215303.mp3 [2.23M]

儿童英文歌谣 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [743.34K]

儿童英文歌谣 – 英文儿歌_20200808215308.mp3 [743.34K]

好乐读英文绘本馆 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书 听儿歌 track02 three little monkeys.mp3 [687.10K]

好乐读英文绘本馆 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书 听儿歌 track02 three little monkeys_20200808215312.mp3 [687.10K]

铃儿响叮当.mp3 [3.41M]

铃儿响叮当_20200808215301.mp3 [3.41M]

苹果树 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [4.73M]

水果食物名称 – b037577 儿歌学英语 – 儿童歌曲.mp3 [2.79M]

睡吧宝贝.mp3 [1.10M]

小星星.mp3 [2.43M]

小星星_20200808215259.mp3 [2.43M]

小学英语儿歌:bingo.mp3 [1.48M]

小学英语儿歌:bingo_20200808215303.mp3 [1.48M]

学念26个英文字母 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [3.75M]

雪绒花.mp3 [3.84M]

英语儿歌 – hello.mp3 [1.07M]

英语儿歌 – hello_20200808215303.mp3 [1.07M]

英语儿歌 – 家庭成员称呼.mp3 [2.79M]

英语儿歌 – 家庭成员称呼_20200808215305.mp3 [2.79M]

英语儿歌大全常见动物名称 – 儿童歌曲.mp3 [2.16M]

英语儿歌大全常见动物名称 – 儿童歌曲_20200808215312.mp3 [2.16M]

有声读物 – 儿歌学英语 社会职业名称.mp3 [3.17M]

幼儿歌曲 – 英语幼儿歌曲串烧.mp3 [3.50M]

英文歌曲 [54.06M]

are you sleeping [1.74M]

are you sleeping.doc [22.00K]

are you sleeping_20200808215304.doc [22.00K]

儿童歌曲-are you sleeping.mp3 [868.84K]

儿童歌曲-are you sleeping_20200808215308.mp3 [868.84K]

bingo [3.21M]

bingo.doc [26.50K]

bingo_20200808215306.doc [26.50K]

-bingo_20200808215307.mp3 [1.58M]

儿童歌曲-bingo.mp3 [1.58M]

do you want to build a snow man [3.22M]

do you want to build a snow man.doc [24.50K]

do you want to build a snow man_20200808215315.doc [24.50K]

kristen bell&agatha leemonn&katie lopez-do you want to build a snowman.mp3 [3.18M]

five big dump truck [3.01M]

five big dump truck.doc [22.50K]

five big dump truck_20200808215304.doc [22.50K]

儿童歌曲-five big dump trucks.mp3 [1.48M]

儿童歌曲-five big dump trucks_20200808215315.mp3 [1.48M]

i am a little teapot [1.96M]

i am a little teapot.doc [26.00K]

i am a little teapot_20200808215310.doc [26.00K]

-i’m a little teapot_20200808215310.mp3 [979.49K]

儿童歌曲-i’m a little teapot.mp3 [979.49K]

i love little pussy [2.51M]

i love little pussy.doc [26.00K]

-i love little pussy_20200808215308.mp3 [1.24M]

有声读物-i love little pussy.mp3 [1.24M]

london bridge [3.02M]

london bridge.doc [26.00K]

-london bridge_20200808215306.mp3 [1.48M]

london bridge_20200808215309.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-london bridge.mp3 [1.48M]

my little donkey [2.58M]

my little donkey.doc [26.00K]

my little donkey_20200808215316.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-my little donkey.mp3 [1.27M]

儿童歌曲-my little donkey_20200808215308.mp3 [1.27M]

walking walking [1.71M]

walking walking.doc [25.50K]

walking walking_20200808215306.doc [25.50K]

儿童歌曲-walking walking.mp3 [850.49K]

儿童歌曲-walking walking_20200808215307.mp3 [850.49K]

where do all the daisies go [1.46M]

where do all the daisies go.doc [26.00K]

-where do all the daisies go_20200808215304.mp3 [723.13K]

where do all the daisies go_20200808215307.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-where do all the daisies go.mp3 [723.13K]

爸爸去哪儿主题曲英文版.wmv [14.82M]

爸爸去哪儿主题曲英文版_20200808215304.wmv [14.82M]

英文诗歌素材 [1.26M]

a wish.doc [25.50K]

a wish_20200808215302.doc [25.50K]

hush-a-bye,baby.doc [26.50K]

hush-a-bye,baby_20200808215300.doc [26.50K]

i sing for teenager.doc [27.50K]

i sing for teenager_20200808215303.doc [27.50K]

i wish i knew.doc [25.50K]

i wish i knew_20200808215301.doc [25.50K]

it’s a jungle out there.doc [25.50K]

it’s a jungle out there_20200808215304.doc [25.50K]

long summer night.doc [25.50K]

long summer night_20200808215309.doc [25.50K]

moonlight.doc [25.50K]

moonlight_20200808215301.doc [25.50K]

morn mirror.doc [27.00K]

morn mirror_20200808215259.doc [27.00K]

my uncle had an ant farm.doc [26.00K]

my uncle had an ant farm_20200808215311.doc [26.00K]

no secret.doc [26.00K]

no secret_20200808215304.doc [26.00K]

on deck.doc [25.50K]

on deck_20200808215303.doc [25.50K]

petals falling.doc [26.00K]

petals falling_20200808215301.doc [26.00K]

river reed.doc [21.50K]

river reed_20200808215304.doc [21.50K]

sick day.doc [21.50K]

sick day_20200808215302.doc [21.50K]

something new.doc [21.50K]

something new_20200808215301.doc [21.50K]

the wonderful waterproof tent.doc [21.50K]

the wonderful waterproof tent_20200808215308.doc [21.50K]

thoughtful friends.doc [21.50K]

thoughtful friends_20200808215305.doc [21.50K]

tock-tick.doc [25.50K]

tock-tick_20200808215301.doc [25.50K]

walking with you.doc [27.00K]

walking with you_20200808215303.doc [27.00K]

whose boots.doc [21.50K]

whose boots_20200808215259.doc [21.50K]

wouldn’it be fun.doc [25.50K]

wouldn’it be fun_20200808215259.doc [25.50K]

儿童英文诗歌精选秀.doc [29.00K]

儿童英文诗歌精选秀_20200808215301.doc [29.00K]

精选十三首简易英文诗歌.doc [37.00K]

精选十三首简易英文诗歌_20200808215307.doc [37.00K]

少儿英文诗歌朗诵材料.doc [59.00K]

少儿英文诗歌朗诵材料_20200808215258.doc [59.00K]

趣味语法 [730.76K]

_20200808215259.docx [17.86K]

_20200808215301.docx [13.64K]

_20200808215302.docx [14.29K]

“不规则动词过去式速记法”.docx [15.83K]

“不规则动词过去式速记法”_20200808215303.docx [15.83K]

10种有效的单词记忆方法.docx [12.80K]

10种有效的单词记忆方法_20200808215258.docx [12.80K]

提高英语快速阅读的方法.docx [14.29K]

小学英语:何时字母要大写.doc [253.00K]

小学英语:何时字母要大写_20200808215303.doc [253.00K]

小学英语单词记忆方法.docx [17.86K]

小学英语单词学习五法.docx [13.64K]

小学英语学习方法顺口溜.docx [12.90K]

小学英语学习方法顺口溜_20200808215307.docx [12.90K]

形容词比较级、一般过去时语法记忆口诀.docx [12.29K]

形容词比较级、一般过去时语法记忆口诀_20200808215300.docx [12.29K]

英语词汇积累方法.docx [12.77K]

英语词汇积累方法_20200808215258.docx [12.77K]

小学生日常对话用语 [1.35M]

(综合)_20200808215252.pdf [100.57K]

_20200808215253.doc [41.00K]

_20200808215303.doc [46.50K]

2_20200808215253.doc [38.50K]

简单的日常对话中常用的英语口语语句.doc [30.50K]

简单的日常对话中常用的英语口语语句_20200808215259.doc [30.50K]

简单日常英语会话(综合).pdf [100.57K]

小学生日常口语对话 1.doc [46.00K]

小学生日常口语对话 1_20200808215255.doc [46.00K]

小学生日常口语对话 2.doc [38.50K]

小学生日常英语口语对话100.doc [103.50K]

小学生日常英语口语对话100_20200808215256.doc [103.50K]

小学英语口语教案.doc [241.50K]

小学英语口语教案_20200808215253.doc [241.50K]

小学英语口语练习:对话集锦.doc [46.50K]

小学英语日常交际用语.doc [41.00K]

小学英语日常用语.doc [44.00K]

小学英语日常用语_20200808215256.doc [44.00K]

英美文化背景 [0.00K]

英语创意教学 [1.34M]

(简单易操作-不浪费时间)_20200808215253.doc [54.00K]

_20200808215252.doc [152.45K]

_20200808215304.doc [35.00K]

doc_20200808215257.doc [131.00K]

课堂管理的66个细节.doc [156.50K]

课堂管理的66个细节_20200808215256.doc [156.50K]

让小学英语课堂趣味横生.doc [14.00K]

让小学英语课堂趣味横生_20200808215253.doc [14.00K]

适合小学生英语课堂的游戏(简单易操作-不浪费时间).doc [54.00K]

特级教师的教学习惯.doc [152.45K]

特色班创意课堂活动设计英文小剧.doc [23.50K]

特色班创意课堂活动设计英文小剧_20200808215255.doc [23.50K]

小学生课堂趣味游戏.doc [35.00K]

小学英语教学中创意性作业的尝试.doc [15.00K]

小学英语教学中创意性作业的尝试_20200808215259.doc [15.00K]

小学英语课堂常用游戏20个.doc [57.50K]

小学英语课堂常用游戏20个_20200808215257.doc [57.50K]

小学英语课堂教学中常用的小游戏doc.doc [131.00K]

小学英语课堂游戏100种.doc [45.50K]

小学英语课堂游戏100种_20200808215252.doc [45.50K]

英语小故事 [434.00K]

100个儿童英文故事阅读.doc [61.00K]

100个儿童英文故事阅读_20200808215303.doc [61.00K]

刻舟求剑_20200808215257.doc [21.50K]

世界之最_20200808215256.doc [21.50K]

文本素材 刻舟求剑.doc [21.50K]

文本素材 猫和老鼠.doc [29.50K]

文本素材 猫和老鼠_20200808215300.doc [29.50K]

文本素材 世界之最.doc [21.50K]

文本素材 最大的枫叶.doc [41.50K]

英语小故事:土豆系列.doc [42.00K]

英语小故事:土豆系列_20200808215256.doc [42.00K]

最大的枫叶_20200808215253.doc [41.50K]

语音 [185.37M]

语音音频教学 [178.78M]

01-第一章 英语字母与读音 .mp3 [2.61M]

01-第一章 英语字母与读音 _20200808215300.mp3 [2.61M]

02-第二章 发音器官.mp3 [264.49K]

03-第三章 英语音素.mp3 [2.29M]

03-第三章 英语音素_20200808215309.mp3 [2.29M]

04-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第一节 前元音.mp3 [8.50M]

04-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第一节 前元音_20200808215258.mp3 [8.50M]

05-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第二节 中元音.mp3 [6.63M]

05-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第二节 中元音_20200808215300.mp3 [6.63M]

06-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第三节 后元音.mp3 [10.33M]

06-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第三节 后元音_20200808215256.mp3 [10.33M]

07-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第一节 合口双元音.mp3 [10.76M]

07-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第一节 合口双元音_20200808215302.mp3 [10.76M]

08-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第二节 集中双元音.mp3 [6.36M]

08-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第二节 集中双元音_20200808215301.mp3 [6.36M]

09-第六章 辅音音素-第一节 爆破音.mp3 [10.62M]

09-第六章 辅音音素-第一节 爆破音_20200808215259.mp3 [10.62M]

10-第六章 辅音音素-第二节摩擦音.mp3 [16.06M]

10-第六章 辅音音素-第二节摩擦音_20200808215259.mp3 [16.06M]

11-第六章 辅音音素-第三节破擦音.mp3 [9.41M]

12-第六章 辅音音素-第四节鼻音.mp3 [5.05M]

12-第六章 辅音音素-第四节鼻音_20200808215302.mp3 [5.05M]

13-第六章 辅音音素-第五节舌侧音.mp3 [1.88M]

13-第六章 辅音音素-第五节舌侧音_20200808215308.mp3 [1.88M]

14-第六章 辅音音素-第六节半元音.mp3 [3.47M]

14-第六章 辅音音素-第六节半元音_20200808215300.mp3 [3.47M]

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_20200808215257.docx [14.84K]

_20200808215257.ppt [165.00K]

小升初英语发音学习:辅音的发音技巧.doc [245.00K]

小升初英语发音学习:辅音的发音技巧_20200808215254.doc [245.00K]

小学英语音标练习题课件.ppt [165.00K]

音标基础.docx [14.84K]

音标教学-小学英语 1.doc [305.50K]

音标教学-小学英语 1_20200808215255.doc [305.50K]

音标教学-小学英语 2.doc [907.50K]

音标教学-小学英语 2_20200808215302.doc [907.50K]

英语单词发音规则.doc [47.50K]

英语单词发音规则_20200808215252.doc [47.50K]

英语音标读法规则.doc [1.59M]

英语音标读法规则_20200808215258.doc [1.59M]

元音、辅音音标图.jpg [57.70K]

字母素材 [27.58M]

_20200808215252.doc [135.00K]

aa.swf [101.51K]

aa_20200808215255.swf [101.51K]

bb.swf [126.76K]

bb_20200808215256.swf [126.76K]

cc.swf [147.61K]

cc_20200808215251.swf [147.61K]

chant g~i_20200808215254.swf [2.45M]

chant m~p_20200808215303.swf [2.71M]

dd.swf [143.77K]

dd_20200808215251.swf [143.77K]

ee.swf [85.86K]

ee_20200808215255.swf [85.86K]

ff.swf [96.63K]

ff_20200808215253.swf [96.63K]

gg.swf [241.26K]

gg_20200808215255.swf [241.26K]

hh.swf [96.43K]

hh_20200808215252.swf [96.43K]

ii.swf [93.29K]

ii_20200808215302.swf [93.29K]

jj.swf [109.71K]

jj_20200808215252.swf [109.71K]

kk.swf [95.98K]

kk_20200808215256.swf [95.98K]

ll.swf [104.03K]

ll_20200808215252.swf [104.03K]

mm.swf [104.97K]

mm_20200808215259.swf [104.97K]

nn.swf [113.98K]

nn_20200808215255.swf [113.98K]

oo.swf [103.39K]

oo_20200808215252.swf [103.39K]

pp.swf [92.89K]

pp_20200808215253.swf [92.89K]

qq.swf [108.60K]

qq_20200808215256.swf [108.60K]

rr.swf [102.37K]

rr_20200808215252.swf [102.37K]

ss.swf [100.25K]

ss_20200808215257.swf [100.25K]

tt.swf [102.65K]

tt_20200808215257.swf [102.65K]

uu.swf [110.41K]

uu_20200808215255.swf [110.41K]

vv.swf [97.74K]

vv_20200808215302.swf [97.74K]

ww.swf [112.96K]

ww_20200808215257.swf [112.96K]

xx.swf [106.99K]

xx_20200808215257.swf [106.99K]

yy.swf [107.52K]

yy_20200808215253.swf [107.52K]

zz.swf [118.89K]

zz_20200808215258.swf [118.89K]

缩写及书写.doc [135.00K]

英语字母书写歌.docx [13.27K]

英语字母书写歌_20200808215252.docx [13.27K]

字母chant a~f.swf [2.48M]

字母chant a~f_20200808215257.swf [2.48M]

字母chant g~i.swf [2.45M]

字母chant m~p.swf [2.71M]

字母chant t~w.swf [2.81M]

字母chant t~w_20200808215259.swf [2.81M]

字母的书写.docx [71.08K]

字母的书写_20200808215257.docx [71.08K]

字母歌.swf [273.57K]

字母歌_20200808215256.swf [273.57K]

2013外研版新标准三起三下配套动画视频(解 [570.94M]

module 1.avi [29.98M]

module 1_20200808215248.avi [29.98M]

module 10.avi [30.61M]

module 10_20200808215249.avi [30.61M]

module 2.avi [33.72M]

module 2_20200808215247.avi [33.72M]

module 3.avi [22.72M]

module 3_20200808215255.avi [22.72M]

module 4.avi [22.58M]

module 4_20200808215248.avi [22.58M]

module 5.avi [27.63M]

module 5_20200808215252.avi [27.63M]

module 6.avi [29.43M]

module 6_20200808215247.avi [29.43M]

module 7.avi [29.66M]

module 7_20200808215255.avi [29.66M]

module 8.avi [29.70M]

module 8_20200808215248.avi [29.70M]

module 9.avi [29.44M]

module 9_20200808215248.avi [29.44M]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)三年级下册同步练习(15份) [52.06M]

_20200808215248.doc [101.00K]

m1练习题4(含答案)_20200808215252.doc [135.50K]

m2练习题4(含答案)_20200808215250.doc [134.50K]

m3练习题4(含答案)_20200808215250.doc [154.50K]

m4练习题4(含答案)_20200808215249.doc [284.00K]

module 6 测试题_20200808215250.doc [813.00K]

module 7 测试题_20200808215254.doc [2.64M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第八模块测试题含答案.doc [3.31M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第八模块测试题含答案_20200808215253.doc [3.31M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第九模块测试题含答案.doc [3.22M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第九模块测试题含答案_20200808215252.doc [3.22M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第六模块测试题含答案.doc [5.76M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第六模块测试题含答案_20200808215248.doc [5.76M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第七模块测试题含答案.doc [4.71M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第七模块测试题含答案_20200808215251.doc [4.71M]

外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第十模块测试题含答案.doc [101.00K]

外研三下 module 10 测试题.doc [80.50K]

外研三下 module 10 测试题_20200808215250.doc [80.50K]

外研三下 module 6 测试题.doc [813.00K]

外研三下 module 7 测试题.doc [2.64M]

外研三下 module 8 测试题.doc [3.80M]

外研三下 module 8 测试题_20200808215249.doc [3.80M]

外研三下 module 9 测试题.doc [916.00K]

外研三下 module 9 测试题_20200808215300.doc [916.00K]

英语三年级下册外研版m1练习题4(含答案).doc [135.50K]

英语三年级下册外研版m2练习题4(含答案).doc [134.50K]

英语三年级下册外研版m3练习题4(含答案).doc [154.50K]

英语三年级下册外研版m4练习题4(含答案).doc [284.00K]

英语三年级下册外研版m5练习题4(含答案).doc [35.50K]

英语三年级下册外研版m5练习题4(含答案)_20200808215259.doc [35.50K]

三年级下册同步练习(15份) [0.00K]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)三年级下册同步练习(15份) [0.00K]

三下flash动画 [0.00K]

三下ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy123】外研三起小学英语三下ppt课件 [0.00K]

三下word教案 [0.00K]

【编号xyy124】外研三起小学英语三下word教案 [0.00K]

三下电子课本 [0.00K]

三英下 课文朗读 [162.68M]

17春外研(三起)三英下 课文朗读 [162.68M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块1 [34.12M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块10 [18.14M]

10-1 here’s a red hat.mp3 [3.32M]

10-1 here’s a red hat_20200808215255.mp3 [3.32M]

10-2 she’s got an orange sweater.mp3 [5.75M]

10-2 she’s got an orange sweater_20200808215259.mp3 [5.75M]

1-1 it’s the abc song.mp3 [3.95M]

1-1 it’s the abc song_20200808215257.mp3 [3.95M]

1-2 my favourite colour is yellow.mp3 [4.04M]

1-2 my favourite colour is yellow_20200808215258.mp3 [4.04M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块2 [14.31M]

2-1 they’re monkeys.mp3 [3.56M]

2-1 they’re monkeys_20200808215258.mp3 [3.56M]

2-2 that man is short.mp3 [3.59M]

2-2 that man is short_20200808215254.mp3 [3.59M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块3 [14.30M]

3-1 i like football.mp3 [3.95M]

3-1 i like football_20200808215304.mp3 [3.95M]

3-2 i don’t like riding my bike.mp3 [3.20M]

3-2 i don’t like riding my bike_20200808215300.mp3 [3.20M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块4 [16.60M]

4-1 do you like meat.mp3 [3.69M]

4-1 do you like meat_20200808215257.mp3 [3.69M]

4-2 does lingling like oranges.mp3 [4.61M]

4-2 does lingling like oranges_20200808215257.mp3 [4.61M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块5 [15.28M]

5-1 she goes to school on mondays.mp3 [3.57M]

5-1 she goes to school on mondays_20200808215252.mp3 [3.57M]

5-2 does your mum go to work on saturdays.mp3 [4.07M]

5-2 does your mum go to work on saturdays_20200808215253.mp3 [4.07M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块6 [17.43M]

6-1 what do you do on sundays.mp3 [3.67M]

6-1 what do you do on sundays_20200808215256.mp3 [3.67M]

6-2 what does lingling have at school.mp3 [5.04M]

6-2 what does lingling have at school_20200808215254.mp3 [5.04M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块7 [12.09M]

7-1 we fly kites in spring.mp3 [4.36M]

7-2 it’s warm today.mp3 [3.87M]

7-2 it’s warm today_20200808215253.mp3 [3.87M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块8 [19.41M]

8-1 it’s on your desk.mp3 [3.87M]

8-1 it’s on your desk_20200808215304.mp3 [3.87M]

8-2 daming flies a kite in the park.mp3 [5.84M]

8-2 daming flies a kite in the park_20200808215256.mp3 [5.84M]

外研版(三起)三下英语:课文mp3录音及单词mp3模块9 [19.14M]

9-1 i’ve got a new book.mp3 [4.63M]

9-1 i’ve got a new book_20200808215257.mp3 [4.63M]

9-2 has amy got a bike.mp3 [4.94M]

9-2 has amy got a bike_20200808215254.mp3 [4.94M]

三英下–教案 [371.50K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–教案 [371.50K]

外研(三起)英语三年级下册教案.doc [371.50K]

三英下–教师小帮手 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–教师小帮手 [0.00K]

班主任工作 [0.00K]

家校联系本 [0.00K]

教师常用表格 [0.00K]

教师用语 [0.00K]

小学黑板报 [0.00K]

学生评语 [0.00K]

英语教学工作总结 [0.00K]

英语教学论文 [0.00K]

主题班会 [0.00K]

三英下–课件 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–课件 [0.00K]

三英下–真卷1 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–真卷1 [0.00K]

三英下–真卷2 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–真卷2 [0.00K]

三英下–资源包 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)三英下–资源包 [0.00K]

趣味课堂 [0.00K]

趣味素材 [0.00K]

儿童英文歌谣 [0.00K]

视频素材 [0.00K]

小学生英文笑话 [0.00K]

音频 [0.00K]

01 it’s a small world [0.00K]

02 new year’s resolution [0.00K]

英文歌曲 [0.00K]

are you sleeping [0.00K]

bingo [0.00K]

do you want to build a snow man [0.00K]

five big dump truck [0.00K]

i am a little teapot [0.00K]

i love little pussy [0.00K]

london bridge [0.00K]

my little donkey [0.00K]

walking walking [0.00K]

where do all the daisies go [0.00K]

英文诗歌素材 [0.00K]

趣味语法 [0.00K]

小学生日常对话用语 [0.00K]

英美文化背景 [0.00K]

英语创意教学 [0.00K]

英语小故事 [0.00K]

语音 [0.00K]

语音音频教学 [0.00K]

字母素材 [0.00K]

外研版小学英语三年级下册辅导视频 [0.00K]

四上 [0.00K]

【编号xyy125】外研三起小学英语四上ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy126】外研三起小学英语四上word教案 [0.00K]

2013版三起四年级上册(3册)flash动画 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四上课本动画视频 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四上课件 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四上真卷 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四英上电子教材 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四英上教案 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)四英上课文朗读 [0.00K]

2017秋四英上(wy 三起)–2. 教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)四英上教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋四英上(wy 三起)–5. 课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)四英上课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

动画视频 [0.00K]

课文朗读 [0.00K]

2017秋四英上(wy 三起)–6. 课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)四英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)四年级上册试题(16份) [0.00K]

四下 [1.77G]

17春外研(三起)四英下 课文朗读 [18.92M]

module01_unit1.mp3 [805.51K]

module01_unit2.mp3 [930.41K]

module02_unit1.mp3 [774.29K]

module02_unit2.mp3 [1.26M]

module03_unit1.mp3 [805.51K]

module04_unit1.mp3 [809.39K]

module04_unit2.mp3 [1.26M]

module05_unit1.mp3 [684.49K]

module05_unit2.mp3 [1.01M]

module06_unit1.mp3 [1.06M]

module06_unit2.mp3 [852.45K]

module07_unit1.mp3 [877.75K]

module07_unit2.mp3 [1.36M]

module08_unit1.mp3 [798.57K]

module08_unit2.mp3 [1.44M]

module09_unit1.mp3 [977.35K]

module09_unit2.mp3 [1.50M]

module10_unit1.mp3 [848.37K]

module10_unit2.mp3 [1.08M]

17春外研(三起)四英下–教案 [478.00K]

外研(三起)英语四年级下册教案.doc [478.00K]

17春外研(三起)四英下–教师小帮手 [121.38M]

班主任工作 [329.00K]

班主任必备表格.doc [101.00K]

班主任常规工作.doc [37.50K]

班主任工作计划.doc [23.50K]

班主任工作手册.doc [143.50K]

班主任工作总结.doc [23.50K]

家校联系本 [1.95M]

家校联系本.doc [103.00K]

家校联系本.docx [139.77K]

家校联系本1.doc [159.00K]

家校联系本2.doc [117.50K]

家校联系本3.doc [76.00K]

家校联系本4.doc [248.00K]

家校联系本5.doc [1.12M]

教师常用表格 [491.00K]

班委会名单.doc [37.00K]

成绩登记表.doc [142.50K]

教师课程表.doc [32.50K]

课程表(全学科).xls [27.00K]

课程表.xls [34.50K]

学生通联表.doc [147.50K]

作业收交记录.doc [70.00K]

教师用语 [69.50K]

表扬类.doc [27.00K]

鼓励类.doc [26.00K]

英语课堂用语.doc [16.50K]

小学黑板报 [115.93M]

《设计小板报》.ppt [3.66M]

二年级环保板报.doc [60.00K]

法治板报.doc [300.50K]

海洋世界.ppt [2.99M]

黑板报-感恩.doc [498.00K]

环保板报.doc [60.50K]

教师节黑板报版面设计样图14张.doc [759.02K]

六年级黑板报.doc [498.00K]

六年级优质科普黑板报设计.doc [18.42M]

六年级中秋节板报.ppt [341.00K]

三年级《设计小板报》.ppt [3.66M]

三年级板报.doc [12.13M]

三年级板报_春节.doc [204.00K]

三年级大气板报.doc [0.98M]

三年级读书板报.ppt [5.48M]

四年级黑板报第一期资料.doc [53.50K]

四年级手抄报.doc [833.50K]

五年级_设计小板报.ppt [8.91M]

五年级黑板报设计ppt.ppt [4.92M]

小学班级黑板报精选.doc [635.00K]

小学二年级黑板报电子格式.doc [107.00K]

小学黑板报.ppt [597.50K]

小学黑板报和班级布置集锦.ppt [3.31M]

小学黑板报集锦.ppt [18.27M]

小学教师节黑板报版面设计样图14张.doc [644.50K]

小学生出各种黑板报的内容大全.doc [62.50K]

小学文明礼仪板报.doc [1.02M]

一年级黑板报.doc [3.36M]

一年级黑板报内容要求.doc [417.50K]

一年级图画板报.doc [4.15M]

优质科普黑板报设计.doc [18.42M]

中秋节板报.ppt [341.00K]

学生评语 [220.00K]

期末学生评语.doc [27.50K]

期末学生评语选粹.doc [27.00K]

小学生评语大全 (2).doc [34.50K]

小学生评语大全.doc [24.50K]

学生评语1.doc [26.50K]

学生评语2.doc [26.00K]

学生评语3.doc [26.00K]

学生评语4.doc [28.00K]

英语教学工作总结 [343.07K]

班主任工作总结.doc [13.50K]

工作总结1.doc [26.50K]

工作总结2.doc [24.00K]

工作总结3.doc [26.00K]

小学英语教学总结.docx [17.19K]

小学英语教学总结1.docx [16.89K]

小学英语教学总结10.docx [14.25K]

小学英语教学总结2.docx [14.64K]

小学英语教学总结3.docx [16.62K]

小学英语教学总结4.docx [13.82K]

小学英语教学总结5.docx [14.54K]

小学英语教学总结6.docx [16.97K]

小学英语教学总结7.docx [16.97K]

小学英语教学总结8.docx [13.80K]

小学英语教学总结9.docx [13.98K]

小学英语课改工作总结.docx [13.62K]

小学英语六年级下册备课组工作计划.doc [15.50K]

小学英语六年级下册备课组工作总结.doc [15.50K]

小学英语六年级下册教学工作计划.doc [23.50K]

中小学英语教学工作总结.docx [15.27K]

英语教学论文 [547.51K]

《如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣》.docx [14.56K]

《如何培养学生学英语的兴趣》.docx [15.02K]

《英语教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣》.docx [15.17K]

《怎样在农村的英语课堂上培养学生的自信与兴趣》.docx [14.64K]

创建特色英语课堂,将学生点亮.doc [20.50K]

动起来,让英语课堂充满活力.docx [14.34K]

多媒体手段优化小学英语课堂.docx [16.93K]

浅谈多媒体在英语教学中的应用.docx [16.90K]

浅谈如何提高小学英语教学的有效性.docx [15.61K]

浅谈小学英语课堂中的游戏教学.doc [20.50K]

浅谈小学英语口语教学的多种形式.docx [14.53K]

浅谈英语课堂教学的板书设计.docx [13.47K]

让小学英语课堂活起来.docx [15.59K]

如何构建小学英语高校课堂.docx [14.40K]

如何开展小学低年级英语教学.docx [15.70K]

如何提高小学生英语的听说能力.docx [16.51K]

谈怎样培养学生良好的外语学习习惯.docx [15.05K]

提高小学生学习英语兴趣之我见.docx [13.56K]

体态语在小学英语教学中的应用.docx [15.72K]

小学英语:谈期末复习方法.docx [14.69K]

小学英语“情趣教学”漫谈.docx [16.71K]

小学英语单词记忆方法初探.docx [15.15K]

小学英语教学的亮点:乐教、趣学.docx [13.86K]

小学英语教育的四个侧重点.docx [13.92K]

小学英语课堂教学的“三化”.docx [13.62K]

小学英语课堂教学方法.doc [35.00K]

信息技术使我的英语课堂无限延伸.docx [16.74K]

循环式英语教学法.docx [15.52K]

英语教学中的小组合作学习.docx [16.08K]

运用电教媒体-完善英语教学艺术性.doc [77.50K]

主题班会 [1.56M]

“争做文明的小学生”主题班会活动方案.doc [8.32K]

诚实守信 言行一致.doc [35.00K]

关心班级 热爱集体.doc [36.50K]

学会宽容.doc [38.50K]

迎难而上.doc [36.00K]

责任伴我成长.doc [38.50K]

珍惜时光.doc [39.00K]

主题班会课件:老师_您好.ppt [1.30M]

祖国妈妈我爱您 主题班会.doc [28.00K]

17春外研(三起)四英下–课件 [86.55M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m10u1 did you fall off your bike课件.ppt [6.63M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m10u2.ppt [2.87M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m1u1 she is a nice teacher ppt课件.ppt [586.00K]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m1u2.ppt [4.43M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m2u1 london is a big city.ppt [2.51M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m2u2.ppt [6.68M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m3u1 robots will do everything ppt课件(2).ppt [1.58M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m3u1 robots will do everything ppt课件(3).ppt [1.05M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m3u1 robots will do everything ppt课件(4).ppt [1.17M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m3u1 robots will do everything ppt课件.ppt [1.03M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m3u2.ppt [1.97M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4u1 will you take your kite课件.ppt [6.41M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4u1 will you take your kite课件1.ppt [1.59M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4u1 will you take your kite课件2.ppt [1.98M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4u2.ppt [1.89M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4unit 1 will you take your kite (2)课件.ppt [1.57M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m4unit 1 will you take your kite.ppt1课件3.ppt [3.19M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m5u1 i was two then ppt课件(2).ppt [1.19M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m5u1 i was two then..ppt [826.50K]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m5u2 they were young课件.ppt [2.95M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m6u1 were you at home yesterday课件.ppt [1.25M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m6u1 were you at home yesterday课件.ppt [2.33M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m6u2.ppt [9.59M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m7u1.ppt [4.14M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m7u2 grandma cooked fish课件.ppt [2.86M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m8u1 they sang beautifully课件.ppt [2.36M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m8u2 i took some pictures .课件.ppt [4.20M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m9u1 did he live in new york 2课件.ppt [5.45M]

外研版(三起)四下英语:m9u2didyouhaveaniceholiday?课件.ppt [2.31M]

17春外研(三起)四英下–真卷1 [352.22M]

1.doc [41.54M]

2.doc [39.38M]

3.doc [49.18M]

4.doc [61.05M]

5.doc [47.60M]

6.doc [38.98M]

7.doc [38.29M]

8.doc [36.21M]

17春外研(三起)四英下–真卷2 [352.79M]

10.doc [43.23M]

11.doc [39.48M]

12.doc [45.68M]

13.doc [49.52M]

14.doc [39.45M]

15.doc [42.56M]

16.doc [49.71M]

9.doc [43.16M]

17春外研(三起)四英下–资源包 [392.96M]

趣味课堂 [279.23M]

趣味素材 [278.87M]

儿童英文歌谣 [42.81M]

1.bmp [0.99M]

10.bmp [1.36M]

11.bmp [1.48M]

12.bmp [1.24M]

13.bmp [1.21M]

14.bmp [739.82K]

15.bmp [1.27M]

16.bmp [807.50K]

17.bmp [1.11M]

18.bmp [1.20M]

19.bmp [1.11M]

2.bmp [1.12M]

20.bmp [1.01M]

21.bmp [904.19K]

22.bmp [966.61K]

23.bmp [997.87K]

24.bmp [875.13K]

26.bmp [1.39M]

27.bmp [1.32M]

28.bmp [1.56M]

29.bmp [1.09M]

3.bmp [1.19M]

30.bmp [1.15M]

31.bmp [1.26M]

32.bmp [1.30M]

33.bmp [1.58M]

34.bmp [1.40M]

35.bmp [1.36M]

36.bmp [1.27M]

4.bmp [1.31M]

5.bmp [1.42M]

6.bmp [1.41M]

7.bmp [981.56K]

8.bmp [1.65M]

9.bmp [1.12M]

小学英语儿歌.doc [35.00K]

元音字母歌.bmp [788.46K]

视频素材 [15.90M]

26字母学习.swf [247.32K]

animal.swf [225.59K]

clyde’s smile.swf [531.97K]

count wheels.swf [626.77K]

four seasons.swf [613.56K]

good morning.swf [1.10M]

happy new year.swf [1.65M]

hello.swf [186.74K]

how are you.swf [2.28M]

how old are you.swf [2.78M]

number.swf [42.64K]

numbers and games.swf [0.98M]

numbers.swf [310.33K]

party.swf [517.17K]

rainbow.swf [462.31K]

seaanimal.swf [821.58K]

six little teddy bears.swf [377.59K]

teddy bear.swf [565.98K]

teddy bear1.swf [327.97K]

this is tom.swf [942.00K]

what is this.swf [58.77K]

五只鳄鱼.swf [422.15K]

小学生英文笑话 [148.92K]

小学生英文短片笑话.doc [35.00K]

小学生英文笑话.doc [69.00K]

英文小笑话1.doc [25.00K]

英文小笑话集锦.docx [19.92K]

音频 [190.26M]

01 it’s a small world [3.75M]

01 it’s a small world.doc [26.00K]

01 it’s a small world.mp3 [3.72M]

02 new year’s resolution [1.40M]

02 new year’s resolution.mp3 [1.40M]

01 if only i could take home a snowflake.mp3 [1.20M]

01 introduction.mp3 [325.71K]

02 happy spring festival.mp3 [1.50M]

02 in the classroom.mp3 [1.59M]

03 teachers’ day around the world.mp3 [2.34M]

03 the diary of a forest girl.mp3 [1.40M]

03 the mango tree.mp3 [2.00M]

04 pirate’s treasure.mp3 [2.06M]

04 the greedy mouse.mp3 [2.05M]

04 the peacock and the crow.mp3 [1.56M]

05 dublin-a city of culture.mp3 [4.28M]

05 london.mp3 [3.65M]

05 peter’s present.mp3 [2.84M]

06 be what you wanna be.mp3 [5.63M]

06 everything at once.mp3 [5.55M]

06 rome—the eternal city.mp3 [3.65M]

07 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene a.mp3 [2.56M]

07 kung fu panda scene a.mp3 [3.38M]

07 the happy song.mp3 [4.82M]

08 here comes hotel transylvania 2:scene b.mp3 [2.78M]

08 kung fu panda ii scene b.mp3 [1.40M]

08 norm saves his own home:scene a.mp3 [3.76M]

09 kung fu panda ii scene c.mp3 [1.92M]

09 my favourite clothes.mp3 [1.49M]

09 norm saves his own home:scene b.mp3 [3.22M]

10 my dad.mp3 [3.08M]

10 norm saves his own home:scene c.mp3 [1.98M]

10 superheroes:here we go.mp3 [1.13M]

11 i couldn’t believe my eyes.mp3 [1.82M]

11 the “fu” character in spring festival.mp3 [1.02M]

11 weirdos in nature.mp3 [1.68M]

12 four phases of the moon.mp3 [2.68M]

12 phonics train:long e.mp3 [1.00M]

12 the laba festival.mp3 [671.02K]

13 phonics train long a.mp3 [1.21M]

13 phonics train:vowel o.mp3 [946.12K]

14 legends about the moon.mp3 [2.13M]

abc字母歌 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.04M]

are you sleeping你还睡吗 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.26M]

barbie girl – 英文儿歌.mp3 [3.00M]

body song – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.36M]

good bye to you再见歌 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.71M]

good morning to you早上好 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.68M]

goodbye – 儿歌儿童歌曲儿童故事 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.87M]

hands up – 英文儿歌.mp3 [2.95M]

happy birthday – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.74M]

happy new year – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.48M]

i have two hands 我有两只手 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.18M]

london bridge – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.79M]

mary had a little lamb – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.63M]

mary had a little lamb – 原版伴奏 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.43M]

old gray mare – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.45M]

one,tow,three,four,five – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.06M]

take me out to the ball game – 英文儿歌.mp3 [1.24M]

twelve months – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [1.78M]

twinkle,twinkle,little star – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [2.04M]

walking walking – 英文儿歌.mp3 [850.85K]

哆来咪.mp3 [3.00M]

儿童歌曲 – 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第32集.mp3 [1.70M]

儿童歌曲 – 爱乐奇少儿英语儿歌:第39集.mp3 [1.45M]

儿童歌曲 – 趣味学英语 – 童声版.mp3 [1.16M]

儿童歌曲 – 数字英语.mp3 [3.69M]

儿童歌曲 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书.mp3 [573.59K]

儿童歌曲 – 英语儿歌大全常见动物名称.mp3 [4.85M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语礼貌问候用语儿歌.mp3 [1.98M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语文具用品名称.mp3 [2.50M]

儿童歌曲 – 英语五官名称歌.mp3 [1.59M]

儿童歌曲 – 幼儿学英语水果.mp3 [2.23M]

儿童英文歌谣 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [743.34K]

好乐读英文绘本馆 – 我的第一本英语儿歌书 听儿歌 track02 three little monkeys.mp3 [687.10K]

铃儿响叮当.mp3 [3.41M]

苹果树 – 英文儿歌.mp3 [4.73M]

水果食物名称 – b037577 儿歌学英语 – 儿童歌曲.mp3 [2.79M]

睡吧宝贝.mp3 [1.10M]

小星星.mp3 [2.43M]

小学英语儿歌:bingo.mp3 [1.48M]

学念26个英文字母 – 小蓓蕾组合.mp3 [3.75M]

雪绒花.mp3 [3.84M]

英语儿歌 – hello.mp3 [1.07M]

英语儿歌 – 家庭成员称呼.mp3 [2.79M]

英语儿歌大全常见动物名称 – 儿童歌曲.mp3 [2.16M]

有声读物 – 儿歌学英语 社会职业名称.mp3 [3.17M]

幼儿歌曲 – 英语幼儿歌曲串烧.mp3 [3.50M]

英文歌曲 [28.63M]

are you sleeping [890.84K]

are you sleeping.doc [22.00K]

儿童歌曲-are you sleeping.mp3 [868.84K]

bingo [1.60M]

bingo.doc [26.50K]

儿童歌曲-bingo.mp3 [1.58M]

do you want to build a snow man [3.20M]

do you want to build a snow man.doc [24.50K]

kristen bell&agatha leemonn&katie lopez-do you want to build a snowman.mp3 [3.18M]

five big dump truck [1.50M]

five big dump truck.doc [22.50K]

儿童歌曲-five big dump trucks.mp3 [1.48M]

i am a little teapot [0.98M]

i am a little teapot.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-i’m a little teapot.mp3 [979.49K]

i love little pussy [1.27M]

i love little pussy.doc [26.00K]

有声读物-i love little pussy.mp3 [1.24M]

london bridge [1.51M]

london bridge.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-london bridge.mp3 [1.48M]

my little donkey [1.29M]

my little donkey.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-my little donkey.mp3 [1.27M]

walking walking [875.99K]

walking walking.doc [25.50K]

儿童歌曲-walking walking.mp3 [850.49K]

where do all the daisies go [749.13K]

where do all the daisies go.doc [26.00K]

儿童歌曲-where do all the daisies go.mp3 [723.13K]

爸爸去哪儿主题曲英文版.wmv [14.82M]

英文诗歌素材 [644.00K]

a wish.doc [25.50K]

hush-a-bye,baby.doc [26.50K]

i sing for teenager.doc [27.50K]

i wish i knew.doc [25.50K]

it’s a jungle out there.doc [25.50K]

long summer night.doc [25.50K]

moonlight.doc [25.50K]

morn mirror.doc [27.00K]

my uncle had an ant farm.doc [26.00K]

no secret.doc [26.00K]

on deck.doc [25.50K]

petals falling.doc [26.00K]

river reed.doc [21.50K]

sick day.doc [21.50K]

something new.doc [21.50K]

the wonderful waterproof tent.doc [21.50K]

thoughtful friends.doc [21.50K]

tock-tick.doc [25.50K]

walking with you.doc [27.00K]

whose boots.doc [21.50K]

wouldn’it be fun.doc [25.50K]

儿童英文诗歌精选秀.doc [29.00K]

精选十三首简易英文诗歌.doc [37.00K]

少儿英文诗歌朗诵材料.doc [59.00K]

妙言趣语.doc [31.50K]

趣味英语迷宫.doc [424.50K]

趣味英语三字经.doc [24.00K]

英语趣味俗语.doc [23.50K]

趣味语法 [365.38K]

“不规则动词过去式速记法”.docx [15.83K]

10种有效的单词记忆方法.docx [12.80K]

提高英语快速阅读的方法.docx [14.29K]

小学英语:何时字母要大写.doc [253.00K]

小学英语单词记忆方法.docx [17.86K]

小学英语单词学习五法.docx [13.64K]

小学英语学习方法顺口溜.docx [12.90K]

形容词比较级、一般过去时语法记忆口诀.docx [12.29K]

英语词汇积累方法.docx [12.77K]

小学生日常对话用语 [692.07K]

简单的日常对话中常用的英语口语语句.doc [30.50K]

简单日常英语会话(综合).pdf [100.57K]

小学生日常口语对话 1.doc [46.00K]

小学生日常口语对话 2.doc [38.50K]

小学生日常英语口语对话100.doc [103.50K]

小学英语口语教案.doc [241.50K]

小学英语口语练习:对话集锦.doc [46.50K]

小学英语日常交际用语.doc [41.00K]

小学英语日常用语.doc [44.00K]

英美文化背景 [884.00K]

初次见面说英语的技巧.doc [22.00K]

老外见面问候语.doc [26.00K]

生日风俗 1.doc [27.50K]

文化背景 see a doctor.doc [24.50K]

我所了解的英美文化小常识.doc [29.00K]

小学生英语文化背景知识.doc [48.00K]

英美国家的饮食文化.ppt [475.00K]

英美国家饮食文化.doc [36.00K]

英美见面问候语.doc [28.00K]

英美人习惯(英美文化常识).doc [28.00K]

英美文化-10条不可不知的西方餐桌礼仪.doc [23.00K]

英美文化常识.doc [34.00K]

英美文化及其风俗习惯.doc [33.50K]

英美文化知识-节日礼仪生活.doc [49.50K]

英语创意教学 [684.45K]

课堂管理的66个细节.doc [156.50K]

让小学英语课堂趣味横生.doc [14.00K]

适合小学生英语课堂的游戏(简单易操作-不浪费时间).doc [54.00K]

特级教师的教学习惯.doc [152.45K]

特色班创意课堂活动设计英文小剧.doc [23.50K]

小学生课堂趣味游戏.doc [35.00K]

小学英语教学中创意性作业的尝试.doc [15.00K]

小学英语课堂常用游戏20个.doc [57.50K]

小学英语课堂教学中常用的小游戏doc.doc [131.00K]

小学英语课堂游戏100种.doc [45.50K]

英语小故事 [217.00K]

100个儿童英文故事阅读.doc [61.00K]

文本素材 刻舟求剑.doc [21.50K]

文本素材 猫和老鼠.doc [29.50K]

文本素材 世界之最.doc [21.50K]

文本素材 最大的枫叶.doc [41.50K]

英语小故事:土豆系列.doc [42.00K]

语音 [97.52M]

语音音频教学 [94.23M]

01-第一章 英语字母与读音 .mp3 [2.61M]

02-第二章 发音器官.mp3 [264.49K]

03-第三章 英语音素.mp3 [2.29M]

04-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第一节 前元音.mp3 [8.50M]

05-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第二节 中元音.mp3 [6.63M]

06-第四章 元音音素—单元音-第三节 后元音.mp3 [10.33M]

07-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第一节 合口双元音.mp3 [10.76M]

08-第五章 元音音素—双元音-第二节 集中双元音.mp3 [6.36M]

09-第六章 辅音音素-第一节 爆破音.mp3 [10.62M]

10-第六章 辅音音素-第二节摩擦音.mp3 [16.06M]

11-第六章 辅音音素-第三节破擦音.mp3 [9.41M]

12-第六章 辅音音素-第四节鼻音.mp3 [5.05M]

13-第六章 辅音音素-第五节舌侧音.mp3 [1.88M]

14-第六章 辅音音素-第六节半元音.mp3 [3.47M]

小升初英语发音学习:辅音的发音技巧.doc [245.00K]

小学英语音标练习题课件.ppt [165.00K]

音标基础.docx [14.84K]

音标教学-小学英语 1.doc [305.50K]

音标教学-小学英语 2.doc [907.50K]

英语单词发音规则.doc [47.50K]

英语音标读法规则.doc [1.59M]

元音、辅音音标图.jpg [57.70K]

字母素材 [13.79M]

aa.swf [101.51K]

bb.swf [126.76K]

cc.swf [147.61K]

dd.swf [143.77K]

ee.swf [85.86K]

ff.swf [96.63K]

gg.swf [241.26K]

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vv.swf [97.74K]

ww.swf [112.96K]

xx.swf [106.99K]

yy.swf [107.52K]

zz.swf [118.89K]

缩写及书写.doc [135.00K]

英语字母书写歌.docx [13.27K]

字母chant a~f.swf [2.48M]

字母chant g~i.swf [2.45M]

字母chant m~p.swf [2.71M]

字母chant t~w.swf [2.81M]

字母的书写.docx [71.08K]

字母歌.swf [273.57K]

四下电子课本 [36.40M]

qq图片20170119100749.png [773.47K]

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qq图片20170119102103.png [955.27K]

qq图片20170119102118.png [650.42K]

外研版三起四年级下册flash动画视频 [80.86M]

3起点4下最新版flash [80.86M]

flash播放器.exe [2.32M]

new_3l4_m10u1a1.swf [2.95M]

new_3l4_m10u1a2.swf [1.93M]

new_3l4_m10u2a1.swf [1.55M]

new_3l4_m10u2a2.swf [910.53K]

new_3l4_m10u2a4.swf [2.86M]

new_3l4_m1u1a1.swf [2.17M]

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new_3l4_m2u2a2.swf [606.84K]

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new_3l4_m4u1a1.swf [606.24K]

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new_3l4_m4u2a3.swf [55.56K]

new_3l4_m4u2a4.swf [2.13M]

new_3l4_m5u1a1.swf [454.00K]

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new_3l4_m6u1a1.swf [2.51M]

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new_3l4_m6u2a2.swf [642.02K]

new_3l4_m6u2a4.swf [3.63M]

new_3l4_m7u1a1.swf [2.00M]

new_3l4_m7u1a2.swf [3.64M]

new_3l4_m7u2a1.swf [489.73K]

new_3l4_m7u2a2.swf [1.03M]

new_3l4_m7u2a3.swf [200.83K]

new_3l4_m7u2a4.swf [2.16M]

new_3l4_m8u1a1.swf [1.36M]

new_3l4_m8u1a2.swf [1.91M]

new_3l4_m8u2a1.swf [332.73K]

new_3l4_m8u2a2.swf [949.96K]

new_3l4_m8u2a4.swf [4.24M]

new_3l4_m9u1a1.swf [2.64M]

new_3l4_m9u1a2.swf [2.69M]

new_3l4_m9u2a1.swf [1.98M]

new_3l4_m9u2a2.swf [879.55K]

new_3l4_m9u2a4.swf [5.74M]

new_3l4_r2u2a3.swf [118.06K]

外研三起小学英语四下ppt课件 [351.49M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件1.ppt [1.02M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件2.ppt [5.45M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件3.ppt [4.76M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件4.ppt [6.79M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件5.ppt [17.91M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 1 she’s a nice teacher》ppt课件6.ppt [634.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 2 he’s cool》ppt课件1.ppt [10.03M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 2 he’s cool》ppt课件2.ppt [10.73M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 2 he’s cool》ppt课件3.ppt [17.07M]

外研版(三起)四下module 1《unit 2 he’s cool》ppt课件4.ppt [567.00K]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 1 did you fall off your bike》ppt课件.ppt [9.32M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 1 did you fall off your bike》ppt课件1.ppt [3.10M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 1 did you fall off your bike》ppt课件2.ppt [1.11M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 1 did you fall off your bike》ppt课件3.ppt [1.53M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 2 sam had lots of chocolates》ppt课件1.ppt [2.69M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 2 sam had lots of chocolates》ppt课件2.ppt [3.51M]

外研版(三起)四下module 10《unit 2 sam had lots of chocolates》ppt课件3.ppt [2.74M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 1 london is a big city》ppt课件1.ppt [2.46M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 1 london is a big city》ppt课件2.ppt [2.08M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 1 london is a big city》ppt课件3.ppt [2.96M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 1 london is a big city》ppt课件4.ppt [6.95M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 2 it’s very old》ppt课件1.ppt [2.62M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 2 it’s very old》ppt课件2.ppt [904.00K]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 2 it’s very old》ppt课件3.ppt [3.07M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 2 it’s very old》ppt课件4.ppt [2.27M]

外研版(三起)四下module 2《unit 2 it’s very old》ppt课件5.ppt [16.60M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 1 robots will do everything》ppt课件1.ppt [766.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 1 robots will do everything》ppt课件2.ppt [1.45M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 1 robots will do everything》ppt课件3.ppt [1.79M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 1 robots will do everything》ppt课件4.ppt [1.77M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 1 robots will do everything》ppt课件5.ppt [670.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 2 on monday i’ll go swimming》ppt课件1.ppt [12.28M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 2 on monday i’ll go swimming》ppt课件2.ppt [1.14M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 2 on monday i’ll go swimming》ppt课件3.ppt [2.30M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 2 on monday i’ll go swimming》ppt课件4.ppt [1.56M]

外研版(三起)四下module 3《unit 2 on monday i’ll go swimming》ppt课件5.ppt [3.62M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 1 will you take your kite》ppt课件1.ppt [2.35M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 1 will you take your kite》ppt课件2.ppt [2.24M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 1 will you take your kite》ppt课件3.ppt [1.65M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 1 will you take your kite》ppt课件4.ppt [874.00K]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 1 will you take your kite》ppt课件5.ppt [8.06M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 2 it will be very hot in sanya》ppt课件1.ppt [2.56M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 2 it will be very hot in sanya》ppt课件2.ppt [2.37M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 2 it will be very hot in sanya》ppt课件3.ppt [9.71M]

外研版(三起)四下module 4《unit 2 it will be very hot in sanya》ppt课件4.ppt [2.02M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 1 i was two then》ppt课件1.ppt [4.21M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 1 i was two then》ppt课件2.ppt [2.28M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 1 i was two then》ppt课件3.ppt [2.44M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 1 i was two then》ppt课件4.ppt [1.77M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 1 i was two then》ppt课件5.ppt [1.62M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 2 they were young》ppt课件1.ppt [6.76M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 2 they were young》ppt课件2.ppt [2.52M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 2 they were young》ppt课件3.ppt [2.77M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 2 they were young》ppt课件4.ppt [4.56M]

外研版(三起)四下module 5《unit 2 they were young》ppt课件5.ppt [2.96M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件1.ppt [814.00K]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件2.ppt [3.60M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件3.ppt [1.27M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件4.ppt [2.51M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件5.ppt [1.53M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 1 were you at home yesterday》ppt课件6.ppt [1.37M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 2 was it a big city then》ppt课件1.ppt [4.20M]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 2 was it a big city then》ppt课件2.ppt [231.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 6《unit 2 was it a big city then》ppt课件3.ppt [289.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 1 i helped mum》ppt课件1.ppt [31.88M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 1 i helped mum》ppt课件2.ppt [1.61M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 1 i helped mum》ppt课件3.ppt [4.81M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 1 i helped mum》ppt课件4.ppt [1.51M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 2 grandma cooked fish》ppt课件1.ppt [4.12M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 2 grandma cooked fish》ppt课件2.ppt [3.00M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 2 grandma cooked fish》ppt课件3.ppt [3.30M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 2 grandma cooked fish》ppt课件4.ppt [2.78M]

外研版(三起)四下module 7《unit 2 grandma cooked fish》ppt课件5.ppt [2.33M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 1 they sang beautifully》ppt课件1.ppt [4.58M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 1 they sang beautifully》ppt课件2.ppt [1.68M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 1 they sang beautifully》ppt课件3.ppt [4.19M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 1 they sang beautifully》ppt课件4.ppt [4.51M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 1 they sang beautifully》ppt课件5.ppt [6.44M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 2 i took some pictures》ppt课件1.ppt [1.67M]

外研版(三起)四下module 8《unit 2 i took some pictures》ppt课件2.ppt [1.90M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件1.ppt [173.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件2.ppt [908.50K]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件3.ppt [4.01M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件4.ppt [1.75M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件5.ppt [2.50M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 1 did he live in new york》ppt课件6.ppt [3.64M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 2 did you have a nice holiday》ppt课件1.ppt [1.64M]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 2 did you have a nice holiday》ppt课件2.ppt [842.00K]

外研版(三起)四下module 9《unit 2 did you have a nice holiday》ppt课件3.ppt [10.22M]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)四年级下册同步练习(27份) [15.55M]

(外研版三年级起点)四年级英语下册 单元检测(module 1).doc [1.16M]

第二模块测试题 (2).doc [33.00K]

外研四下 module 6 测试题.doc [331.50K]

外研四下 module 7测试题.doc [100.00K]

外研四下 module 8 测试题.doc [91.00K]

外研四下 module 9 测试题.doc [218.50K]

外研四下 期末 测试题 二.doc [654.50K]

外研四下 期末 测试题 一.doc [599.50K]

外研四下 期中 测试题.doc [73.00K]

外研四下module 1 测试题.doc [407.00K]

外研四下module 10 测试题.doc [465.50K]

外研四下module 2测试题.doc [530.50K]

外研四下module 3 测试题.doc [358.00K]

外研四下module 4 测试题.doc [654.00K]

外研四下module 5 测试题.doc [491.50K]

外研四下module 6 测试题.doc [422.50K]

外研四下module 7测试题.doc [509.00K]

外研四下module 9 测试题.doc [591.50K]

外研四下module8 测试题.doc [784.00K]

外研四下期末 测试题 二.doc [842.50K]

外研四下期末 测试题 一.doc [709.50K]

外研四下期末复习–词汇.doc [1.02M]

外研四下期末复习句子与对话.doc [1.70M]

外研四下期末复习阅读理解.doc [108.00K]

外研四下期中 测试题 二.doc [759.00K]

外研四下期中 测试题 一.doc [566.00K]

新标准四年级英语单元检测(module 3).doc [1.60M]

五上 [0.00K]

【编号xyy129】外研三起小学英语五上ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy130】外研三起小学英语五上word教案 [0.00K]

2014外研3起5上flash动画视频 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五上电子教材 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五上课本动画视频 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五上课件 [0.00K]

m9u2 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五上真卷 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五英上教案 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五英上课本单词mp3 [0.00K]

2016秋外研(三起)五英上课文朗读 [0.00K]

2017秋五英上(wy 三起)–2. 教学课件 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)五英上教学课件 [0.00K]

m9u2 [0.00K]

2017秋五英上(wy 三起)–6. 课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

2017秋外研(三起)五英上课文朗读、动画视频 [0.00K]

动画视频 [0.00K]

课文朗读 [0.00K]

外研三起五上 [0.00K]

media [0.00K]

小学英语外研版(三年级起点)五年级上册测试题(12份) [0.00K]

五下 [0.00K]

【编号xyy131】外研三起小学英语五下ppt课件 [0.00K]

【编号xyy132】外研三起小学英语五下word教案 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下 课文朗读 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–电子教材 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–教案 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–教师小帮手 [0.00K]

班主任工作 [0.00K]

家校联系本 [0.00K]

教师常用表格 [0.00K]

教师用语 [0.00K]

小学黑板报 [0.00K]

学生评语 [0.00K]

英语教学工作总结 [0.00K]

英语教学论文 [0.00K]

主题班会 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–课本单词 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–课件 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–真卷1 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–真卷2 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–资源包 [0.00K]

趣味课堂 [0.00K]

趣味素材 [0.00K]

儿童英文歌谣 [0.00K]

视频素材 [0.00K]

小学生英文笑话 [0.00K]

音频 [0.00K]

01 it’s a small world [0.00K]

02 new year’s resolution [0.00K]

英文歌曲 [0.00K]

are you sleeping [0.00K]

bingo [0.00K]

do you want to build a snow man [0.00K]

five big dump truck [0.00K]

i am a little teapot [0.00K]

i love little pussy [0.00K]

london bridge [0.00K]

my little donkey [0.00K]

walking walking [0.00K]

where do all the daisies go [0.00K]

英文诗歌素材 [0.00K]

趣味语法 [0.00K]

小学生日常对话用语 [0.00K]

英美文化背景 [0.00K]

英语创意教学 [0.00K]

英语小故事 [0.00K]

语音 [0.00K]

语音音频教学 [0.00K]

字母素材 [0.00K]

17春外研(三起)五英下–作文指导与欣赏 [0.00K]

节假日旅行计划或回忆 [0.00K]

人物介绍 [0.00K]

事物介绍或叙事 [0.00K]

喜好习惯介绍 [0.00K]

邮件信件日记 [0.00K]

最新外研英语3起点五下flash动画 [0.00K]

module01 [0.00K]

module02 [0.00K]

module03 [0.00K]

module04 [0.00K]

module05 [0.00K]

module06 [0.00K]

module07 [0.00K]

module08 [0.00K]

module09 [0.00K]

module10 [0.00K]

歌曲 [0.00K]





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